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Everything posted by bob7947

  1. bob7947

    Coronavirus Impact

    Its online. M-20-18.
  2. bob7947

    Coronavirus Impact

    I've been using livescience. It hasn't been updated for today.
  3. bob7947

    Coronavirus Impact

    AAC: The phrase is social distancing. Counties in South East Pa are being closed in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Liquor stores are considered a non-essential business.
  4. bob7947

    Coronavirus Impact

    They're closing the liquor stores here on Tuesday until further notice.
  5. bob7947

    Coronavirus Impact

    H-2-H and all: This is real to an unknown extent. Look at CDC's Map. You will see 3 states that did not report cases. That means they are not testing yet or they are simply not reporting. Around March 5, there were about 40 states without testing. Until testing is going on full throttle in the U. S., we won't even know the extent of COVID-19 here. CDC has posted 1,629 cases for the past 2 days. That's nonsense. The number of cases is dependent on testing. Look at the World Health Organization's (WHO) situation reports. They post one each day. (CDC is posting their own now also.) WHO posts tables with each report. Scroll down and you will see China's provinces. The number of cases there have been around 81,000 cases for a number of days and COVID-19 may have stalled there. We don't really know because we don't know the extent of China's testing. Hubei, China is where this started. It accounts for most of the cases in Cina and nearly all of the deaths. Is that because it was the first hit and they learned how to deal with it? I don't know. Look at Europe and how the cases are ramping. It may be because they are finally testing. In the past few days, health authorities have said that COVID-19 stays in the body for up to 37 days--longer than the common flu. Cases may be so mild that those infected may not know it. On the other hand, COVID-19 cases can be fatal. We don't know if it is spreading rapidly or if it is already in our population waiting for the population to be tested. I've been following this closely because it is affecting my personal life. What we know is: we don't want to be a carrier of COVID-19, we don't want to be in ill-health if we do get infected, we don't know the extent of COVID-19 in the world population or any population for that matter, we don't know the mortality rate because we don't know the population with COVID-19 and probably never will. In short, we don't know _ _ _ _ yet about it but probably will in 2021. For me, I upset the closest person to me by going out in the world on an unnecessary excursion and am now staying inside unless I must go out.
  6. Quick story: I was going through a source selection file at one of the Department of Energy sites many years ago. One of the offeror's Key Personnel was an individual present at the development of the first nuclear weapon. I stared at the name in the proposal for a moment and turned to an SSET member and said with reverence: he's one of the old ones. I seem to remember Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock saying something similar on their adventures. I've seen other offeror's using well known names for window-dressing but the guy I saw in the offeror's proposal was the real thing.
  7. DoD sent a response to the Court of Federal Claims yesterday stating it "wishes to reconsider" the JEDI award.
  8. bob7947

    Coronavirus Impact

    This poll was closed by mistake--probably by me--and I reopened it because I think it is a good poll.
  9. bob7947

    Coronavirus Impact

    The only effect on me is a lack of disinfectant wipes which I normally buy. I am self-contained in my home office. Wifcon.com's Home Page is dependent on the federal government posting contracting related information. The discussion board will be available to you into the distant future.
  10. U.S. judge says Amazon likely to succeed on key argument From Reuters. JEDI Opinion.
  11. I agree. Will the services be used with a system under development, etc.
  12. H2H: I don't think it had anything to do with your post.
  13. I cannot find a current list but everything I find is dated in 2007.
  14. I updated the Legislation Page and found this. H. R. 5822: Homeland Security Acquisition Professional Career Program Act. I was surprised to se that this bill was already marked-up by the full Committee. It may get through the House. Do you have an opinion on this Bill?
  15. Did the contract, as originally awarded, have an option provision in it?
  16. This is a 38-page advisory opinion. I will post it on the Home Page--in its usual place--tonight. However, I'm off to a 2-hour Tang Soo Do class now. Fluor Intercontinental, Inc.--Advisory Opinion. Edit: This November 2019 opinion was just released to the public today.
  17. Today, GAO has returned to the old format on its web page. All the perfections have been removed. Maybe they have temporarily withdrawn the effort until it reaches its highest state of perfection. (I know there are no degrees of perfect but rubbing it in is so soothing.)
  18. Here ia a letter from the Professional Services Council about Beta.Sam.gov. You need to click the one line on the page to download the file.
  19. Don:

    Is the job that was posted here still open?


    1. Don Mansfield

      Don Mansfield

      No, you can take it down. Thanks.

  20. During the past week, GAO has built and published a new web site. Unfortunately, the authors appear to have broken the links to their decisions, reports, etc. It appears this is affecting decisions from mid-2019 that are posted on Wifcon.com. I don't know if they are planning to relink their decisions or not but it will take some time and complaining to sort this mess [aka as a government perfection] out.
  21. Here is the latest article entitled: Amazon wins injunction in US 'Jedi' contract fight. She [the COFC judge] also ordered Amazon to set aside $42m for costs if future proceedings found she was wrong to have issued the injunction.
  22. Here is another article. This one from Bloomberg entitled: Inside the Nasty Battle to Stop Amazon From Winning the Pentagon’s Cloud Contract.
  23. I've found another article by Steve Schooner entitled: Enhanced Debriefings: A Toothless Mandate?
  24. I found this article on Fortune Magazine about the JEDI procurement. It is entitled: Why Amazon wants to depose President Trump about cloud computing. It may be of interest.
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