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Government establishes BOA prices

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The agency is contemplating issuing multiple BOAs/BPAs for a routine service with a routine deliverable (a report) where the agency wishes to name the price, based on market research, such that pricing is consistent across the country and the actions are easier to administer. 

Do you see an issue with the approach, where the government says, “We are paying X rate per hour or X rate per action,” as opposed to requesting each potential holder to provide their firm’s rate?

Thank you!

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I am intrigued by the thought of saying I'm willing to pay $10 per hamburger meal, for example, and inviting interested offerors to provide the best menus, ingredients, chef skills, and so forth -- the competition then will focus on quality and so forth rather than on price.

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I’ve released budgets for furniture buys and it worked great. We described the space and it’s intended use and then evaluated using the subjectivity of the government’s interior designer and customer.

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On 4/11/2024 at 10:20 AM, Contract time said:


BOA as in basic ordering agreement?  If so I am having a little trouble understanding the intended approach as "Application" as stated in the FAR doesnot seem to fit.  Otherwise intriguing approach for a BPA.  As it goes neither are a "contract" so I wonder what will happen when the ordering begins as the price(s)are not contractually binding.

You say "per hour".   Service Contract Labor Standards, if applicable, would seem to cause some issues with setting pricing consistently across the country.   "Per Action" would seem somewhat easier sort of like the comments already offered regarding funiture and burgers. 

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