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T&M Plus Award Fee?

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I’ve never seen this is actual practice. but I can imagine it used.  Essentially it’s a T&M contract with no base fee in the labor portion.  Earned fee, if any, comes from the award incentive arrangement.  It’s similar to most any type award fee arrangement.  

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Culd re

2 hours ago, REA'n Maker said:

How is that different from CPAF?

Could require an analysis of pros and cons of FAR 16.3 vs FAR 16.6 as to contract type and 16.401(e) as to award fee.  

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2 hours ago, REA'n Maker said:

How is that different from CPAF?


T&MAF - Pay labor at a set rate (that does not have profit built into the rate), reimburse for materials at actual cost + award fee on scoring criteria

CPAF - Reimburse for labor at actual cost, reimburse for materials at actual cost + award fee on scoring criteria


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