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Sharon Mitri

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  1. Hi. I'm sorry but NITAAC can't give out any "live" information now that the RFP has dropped. Please refer to the RFP at sam.gov to see how to submit questions. There is a dedicated mailbox listed there. Best, SM
  2. Hello, Thank you so much for the above response. You are indeed correct about DCAA compliance, and might be interested to know that all of the small businesses on NITAAC Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) meet this standard, so users can quickly and easily award Task or Delivery Orders. That's one of the many benefits of using a GWAC; all of the legal groundwork has been taken care of at the Master Contract level. GWACs can only be administered by federal Executive Agents after passing rigorous standards set by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). That's why only three federal agencies currently have this authority: NIH, GSA and NASA. As the federal contracting arm of NIH, NITAAC streamlines IT ordering through three Best in Class (BIC) GWACs, CIO-SP3 Small Business discussed above, CIO-SP3 for other-than-small-business IT Services/Solutions and CIO-CS for IT Products/Solutions. You may have heard them called the HHS GWACs. Or perhaps the NIH GWACs. Our real name is NITAAC -- the NIH Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center -- and you can call us "one and done." One for the desktop or enterprise, one for COTs or custom, one for legacy or emerging technology, NITAAC can help agencies fulfill any IT mission. I hope we'll hear from you before your next acquisition. Sincerely, Sharon Mitri, NITAAC Communications Manager
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