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  1. For those who have offered insight, thank you! It was extraordinarily helpful! If asking the CO was an option, I certainly would. This forum has always been so helpful in situations like this -- getting insight from those who have experienced similar situations, but understanding that the ultimate evaluators/COs will have their own take. Hearing from you better prepares me for the outcome, so sincere thanks. And to whoever created this forum, a huge thank you!
  2. Hello: A solicitation says (and nothing else): "Only contracts with performance within three (3) years from the solicitation release date will be evaluated." If we have past performance with these dates: Base Period – March 21, 2018 through March 20, 2019 Option Period 1 – March 21, 2019 through March 20, 2020 Option Period 2 – March 21, 2020 through March 20, 2021 Optional Extension of Services under FAR 52.217.8 – March 21, 2021 through September 21, 2021 (only this item falls within 3 years of solicitation release). Can we count the optional extension as past performance? Can we count it as part of OP2 if it was issued as a MOD (citing FAR 52.217.8 but same contract #). In addition, if we can use it, can we count the entire duration of the contract as past performance or only the portion that falls within the 3 year time frame? Thanks so much in advance for any guidance!
  3. Hello: Our company was just notified that our video solution is being added to the Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace and that our solution is now "awardable." I had some questions that I am hoping to get some guidance on: 1. If we have an agency customer with money and we decide to use Tradewinds for consummation of a deal, does it have to be competed amongst the various Tradewinds vendors, or would we be able to obtain a direct award? 2. Are there Tradewinds COs with whom we can communicate a potential deal? In other words, how do we obtain government to government conversation? Thanks so much in advance!
  4. Thanks so much FormerFed! Very helpful!
  5. Hi there, thanks so much for your reply! This is a recompete RFQ for work at a civil agency. By "serve at" I mean "works at". Does this help?
  6. Does anyone know if it's typical for a panel of evaluators on a particular federal agency's RFQ (Agency A) to be partially made up of personnel that work at other federal agencies (Agency B and Agency C)? Also, can a CO serve at more than one agency at a time? Thank you in advance for any guidance you can provide!
  7. Thanks so much to all for the informative responses! It is sincerely appreciated!
  8. Hello: One of my colleagues recalls seeing somewhere that a BPA can exceed 20% of its ceiling $ amount. Has anyone ever heard of this occurring? If yes, is there a source for this, e.g., the FAR? Thank you in advance for any guidance!
  9. Hello: I received an interesting Q today -- Whether a BPA issued by one agency can be used by another agency to issue TOs, if both agencies are under the same overall umbrella (e.g., both agencies are under Treasury). In particular, we have an IRS EPMSS BPA and we are wondering if it can be leveraged by another agency that is also under the Treasury umbrella. Has anyone ever heard of something like this occurring? If yes, is it in the FAR somewhere, or would the possibility of cross-agency use be mentioned somewhere within the BPA? Thanks so much in advance for any guidance you can provide!
  10. Hello: During the onboarding of an applicant to a government contract, the agency requested a local driver's license for the applicant, which he refused to provide (he did not want to switch over from another state, did not want to pay for the switch, among other reasons). As a result, we had to pull him out of the onboarding process. This was a month or two ago. The applicant emailed today, stating that he is getting his local driver's license and would now like to re-apply. If the position, or something similar to it, is open, are we required to let him apply? Thank you in advance for any guidance!
  11. Hello: I am wondering if anyone knows whether having ISO 20,000 and ISO 27,001 is valuable to have from the Government's point of view, particularly if a business already has ISO 9000, CMMI Level 3 and is on the road to CMMC. We are a small business and we need to get rid of any certifications that overlap and/or don't add value to the proposal/contracts process. They are expensive to maintain, hence the question. We do not do any international work. Thanks so much in advance for any guidance!
  12. Yes, that is what I mean -- the government did not flow it down in the prime contract. And yes, the contract is for commercial items, and meets the criteria for application of the clause.
  13. Hello: My company recently received a bridge contract from the government that did not flow down FAR 52.222-41 (service contract labor standards). Does anyone know if this FAR automatically applies (and hence needs to be flowed down to our subcontractors)? Or conversely, if we don't need to flow it down b/c it was not in the prime/bridge contract)? Many thanks in advance for any guidance!
  14. Hello: I had a question regarding the CIOSP4 RFP that requires at least one member of a CTA to have an "approved" purchasing system. I am looking to understand whether offerors must have a currently "functioning" or "producing" purchasing system, or is it just that offerors must have capabilities for an approved accounting system? In other words, its a question of currently using vs. having the abilities and functions in place for when needed. Thanks in advance for any guidance! Best, Wendy
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