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  1. It's not a problem that I face because I'm not in the position to be hiring BD guys, but why would I want to hire one from a failing company? That the company is faiing suggests the BD guys aren't bringing in enough business.
  2. Alas, you are correct. I tried walking away (not signing). The BD guys ganged up on me. They took their case to the CEO (their direct boss), who then told me to give them whatever they want. (That sounds like dangerous instructions.) 1. What does history tell you? When the prime wins, do you get the promised work, or not? 2. Sounds like your company is in a weak competitive position. If the primes needed you, you'd get a better deal. 1. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Too often, no. 2. Often times yes (we are small), although I suspect that sometimes we could get a better deal if the BD guys would push back (negotiate) and not accept anything thrown their way.
  3. My BD guys tend to bring me teaming agreements where we'd be a sub to a prospective prime contractor. The TA's usually indicate that we would get to help the prospective prime win, and bear the proposal costs and related costs of doing so, but that we are not guaranteed anything, even if they do win. Sometimes there is a vague intent or aspiration mentioned, something like we'll intend to split the work 60/40, but it's too ill defined to be enforceable. To me, this is a problem, but my BD guys think it is just fine. Why do they resist negotiating something more defined and enforceable? What will it take to change their behavior?
  4. The presence of a standard implies that some are non-standard.
  5. It sounds like everyone is focused on the process, not the output. Try defining the output that you want, and the input you will provide, and leave the process to the offerors. Input -> Process -> Output.
  6. Why do you assume that 40 hours must be the basis for salary distribution? It is easy to imagine someone who works less than 40 hours each week for a salary.
  7. Can a company grant degrees and certificates? If I need my employees to be Certified Oracle Experts, can I have my HR department issue them certificates certifying them as Certified Oracle Experts? Ditto for degrees. Can I have my HR department issue a certificate in the corporate name awarding a Masters degree? The degree certificate would be modeled after one from one of the big universities.
  8. Use smaller procurements, with clear and objective evaluation criteria, so that evaluation becomes a simple check the box exercise. Use output based purchasing (buy the results of services (deliverables, some other measure of output)) instead of services by the hour.). Let us simply buy from whomever we want instead of going through elaborate fake competition drills that take up so much time and that we rig anyway.
  9. A recently released RFQ calls for "call orders." I can see nothing in the RFQ that would distinguish a call order from a delivery order. Still, I am familiar with calls as sold in the securities markets, and am wondering if in the eye of the government writer call order has a special meaning somehow derived from that market. Has anybody seen the term call order used before, or suspect why the writer chose that term? From FAR part 2, “Delivery order” means an order for supplies placed against an established contract or with Government sources. “Task order” means an order for services placed against an established contract or with Government sources.
  10. If an unsuccessful offeror receives the notice at 3 pm on the Friday before a 3 day Memorial Day weekend, need he request a debriefing by Monday evening, or is the deadline extended until Tuesday evening since Monday is a federal holiday?
  11. And all of this is good reason to avoid buying anything, even a pencil, on a cost type contract until you've got the KO's approval and determination of reasonableness in writing. Oddly, to comply with the regulatory requirements, it makes sense to spend days of billable time to get the KO the approve a small ODC's purchase and provide the supporting determinations documents. After a while it becomes a bit of routine, with it being a regular duty of one of the project people.
  12. It is implicit that they think all labor categories will use the same number of hours, whether that be one hour or 2080 hours.
  13. It looks to me as if subcontractor is a subset of vendor. A subcontractor performs part of the prime contract. If the vendor does that, it is a subcontractor. If it does not, then it is not. Staples would likely be vendor other than a subcontractor (a material-man?) even if the goods purchased from it were used on and charged to a single contract. A staffing company (or any company, even Lockheed Martin) which provides staff but does not direct the people once assigned to its customer would be a vendor other than a subcontractor. Verizon would be vendor other than a subcontractor if it sold commercial telephone service, such as a single line on a desk, and the line was used exclusively for a single contract. Legal Definition of vendor : one that sells something < https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vendor > Definition of subcontractor : an individual or business firm contracting to perform part or all of another's contract < https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/subcontractor > Definition of materialman plural materialmen : one who supplies materials (as in the building trades) < https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/materialman > What is VENDOR? The person who transfers property by sale, particularly real estate, "seller" being more commonly used for one who sells personalty. He is the vendor who negotiates the sale, and becomes the recipient of the consideration, though the title comes to the vendee from another source, and not from the vendor. Rutland v. Brister, 53 Miss. 685. What is MATERIAL MAN? Provider of construction or renovation project materials. A mechanic's lien from the property owner or builder guaranteeing payment for the materials is typically given to the material man Law Dictionary: What is MATERIAL MAN? definition of MATERIAL MAN (Black's Law Dictionary) < http://thelawdictionary.org/material-man/ > Law Dictionary: What is VENDOR? definition of VENDOR (Black's Law Dictionary) < http://thelawdictionary.org/vendor/ > What is SUBCONTRACTOR? Secondary or junior contractor working with the main contractor. Law Dictionary: What is SUBCONTRACTOR? definition of SUBCONTRACTOR (Black's Law Dictionary) < http://thelawdictionary.org/subcontractor/ > Subcontractor A subcontractor is an individual or in many cases a business that signs a contract to perform part or all of the obligations of another's contract. < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subcontractor >.
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