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Acquiring new technology quicker

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I’m posting this from LinkedIn.  It’s a Ryan Connell comment.  Interesting and shows promise that our acquisition process can be more responsive to our nations needs.


If I were to buy AI for my mission today:

Step 1: I'd need to seek approval within my command, showcasing a requirement and ensuring budget availability from FM

Step 2: Since Tradewinds satisfies Competition In Contracting Act (CICA), I'd watch pitch videos until a solution seems like a good fit

Step 3: Reach out to solution provider and ask for a quote on specific/conceptual requirements

Step 4: Since I've already satisfied my requirement to compete (No J&A), I can simply conduct price analysis to validate quote is fair and reasonable.. if this DOESN'T work, I can ask for 3 quotes from Tradewinds solution providers to satisfy adequate price competition 

Step 5: Award Contract, likely using FAR 13.5 (simplified acquisition for commercial NTE $7.5M)- because you can treat ANY non traditional defense contractor AS IF THEY ARE COMMERCIAL just because they are a non trad..(DFARS 212.102)

Did you know the average PALT for FAR13.5 in FY23 is ~60days start to finish? That said, I heard Kristina Botelho  did one in 8 days at #SXSW

#commercial #acquisition DoD Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)

Here’s more information on Tradewinds  https://www.tradewindai.com


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Much to learn as the world of Federal acquisition continues its every evolving landscape.   A landscape that has an OTA holder supporting acquisitions to accomplish a procurement via traditional FAR processes and getting paid to do so.   The .com website is the giveaway.   I am not a naysayer just something to watch as another effort of hiring a contractor to find a contractor to complete a contract gets its legs.  Is it really new or just another twist?

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