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Found 7 results

  1. I have researched to better understand the Government and allowing overlapping Period of Performances. I am working on a subcontract for DoD services where, per direction of Govt to Prime, one option year starts before the other ends. I was under the impression that this was not allowable because essential the Govt would be paying for the same service. I search FAR part 17 and 42 hoping to find language that does not permit this, let alone speak to it, and came up empty. Can someone point me in the right direction in FAR or to a GAO case for overlapping PoP references? Thanks for any insight provided.
  2. I'm trying to find a reference in the FAR as to whether or not I can execute a period of performance (POP) extension on a Task Order (TO), when the base contract has expired. TO POP was selected beyond the base contract completion date IAW FAR 17-204(d), however the TO has not expired and we are looking to extend the POP, but the base contract expired a few months ago.
  3. Doing some past research regarding FAR 52.217-8 (6 Month Option), I strongly remember reading SOMEWHERE, that once all 6 months have been exercised (whether for a single 6 month extension or any other monthly increments totaling 6 months) IAW this clause that the Contract is ended and there is no further recourse to extend the contract, even if any other option periods (IAW -9) remain. Did I make this up? Did I misinterpret something? I have been searching for hours and can't find anything remotely alluding to this. So, am I stupid or bad at researching? Or both? Any responses are appreciated.
  4. Hello all, I am looking to re-compete a FAR 16 IDIQ, most likely a "requirements contract." It is for supplies, Firm-Fixed Price, and after competing, will be a single-award IDIQ. I have a question for input regarding the Period of Performance (POP) limitations. Is there any reason why the IDIQ cannot have a five-year straight period of performance with an overall ceiling? The FAR references that task/delivery orders are generally five-years with options but I found no reference regarding direction when setting up the POP for the over-arching IDIQ. Has anyone had experience with these? I'd prefer a straight POP avoiding the need to exercise options when we know we will be using this particular supply.
  5. Hi All, I've recently began working with Navy and AF contracts, and I've noticed that both agencies have a "Technical Period of Performance" (TPOP) end date, and then an end date (usually 1-3 months additional) for working on the final report. I have been unable to find a clear definition of TPOP. The issue is that, in R&D contracts, sometimes the preparation of the final report requires work to be done that is equivalent to the work being done during the TPOP. In fact, sometimes it is exactly the same (e.g., data analysis). There seems to be a lot of gray area in this respect. My questions are: 1. Is TPOP legally defined somewhere? 2. Could DCAA disallow certain costs based on whether or not the charges occurred during the TPOP, or during the time between the end of the TPOP and the end of the overall contract POP? Thanks in advance for your opinions! And please let me know if I can clarify any of the above information.
  6. Does the Fiscal Year of the PIIN Matter? A BPA was awarded in September with a FY15 PIIN, but performance starts Oct 01 (FY16). I was told that I should have a FY16 PIIN; however the FY16 PIIN is not available. Other suggestion was to start the contract in FY15 so there wouldn't be questions/problems about my PIIN and POP not matching. ***This was a follow on BPA competed. It was awarded/signed by the Gov't prior to the start date so the vendor could be prepared to perform - base access, etc.***** Is there something I am missing? It seems like the issue of the concern is with September awards with October start dates. Thanks for your help.
  7. I am faced with what I once thought was a simple question, which is when does a contract end? We are having a difference of opinions on this topic in my office. Some believe that if you have a contract for a specific period of time and you don't get what you paid for then the contract is still valid and can be modified. I believe that the contract ends when the period of performance ends and any modifications to the period of performance have to occur prior to the period of performance ending. Here is an example, a contract for repair of a boat has a period of performance of 12 months and the repair is not complete at 12 months and at month 15 it is discovered that more parts are needed to complete the repair and therefore more money is needed on the contract, can you do a mod to the contract to add more money at month 15 when the period of performance ended at month 12? I would think that the period of performance is part of the scope and therefore any work outside of the period of performance unless modified before hand is out of scope and would require a J&A but that may not be correct. I have searched extensively to get a definitive answer on this, can anyone help?
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