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  1. Mostly I am curious about this : What FAR or CAS clause would you use to support the 40 hours recorded time-sheet requirement? Or would you just say the system is not adequate? (i.e. does not have proper segregation of direct and indirect costs?) Regarding T&M the system can easily track Time spend and where the hours are. It just seems to be a matter of whether or not to increase direct cost pools or to put the unworked exempt EE costs into Fringe (By means of PTO).
  2. We have employees who may perform both indirect and direct in the same period. Their direct time can potentially go to a mix of contract types as well.. 80 hours example ($2000 gross pay, Exempt EE, cost rate = $25/hr) 10 hrs Contract A - FFP ($250 Direct Labor) 35 Hrs Contract B - T&M ($875 Direct Labor) 20 Hrs Contract C - Cost Plus ($500 Direct Labor) (This is the one that is in question) 13 Hrs O/H Labor - O/H Pool ($325) 2 Hrs PTO - Fringe Pool ($50) 78 Hours example ($2000 gross pay, Exempt EE, cost rate = $25.64/Hr) 10 hrs Contract A - FFP ($256.4 Direct Labor) 35 Hrs Contract B - T&M ($897.4 Direct Labor) 20 Hrs Contract C - Cost Plus ($512.8 Direct Labor) (This is the one that is in question, the cost here went up) 13 Hrs O/H Labor - O/H Pool ($333.32) Fringe pool ($0.00) Nothing hits the fringe pool here if the exempt EE does not enter PTO on the timesheet to equate to a 40hr/week or 80hr/Pay Period.
  3. I agree that our system is adequate for T&M , the problem that is concerning is for cost-reimbursement type contracts where the salary can hit contracts at varying hourly rates due to pro ration (if the timesheet is not 40 hours, either under or over 40).
  4. I really appreciate your input here! I totally agree with what you are saying and this is pretty much exactly what I have been trying to explain to my company (as far as the labor distribution/proration of cost etc to different contracts at rates, etc.). What FAR or CAS clause would you use to support the 40 hours recorded time-sheet requirement? Or would you just say the system is not adequate? (i.e. proper segregation of direct and indirect costs?)
  5. Well, in regards to this, in the above situation and for the sake of discussion. What does your company do and how do they treat this, where you work? Just wondering how other companies approach the opposite situation of the uncompensated overtime (I.e. "overcompensated under-time", is that a thing??)
  6. Let me give a more detailed scenario (theoretical) , lets forget DOL/FLSA for now: -Exempt EE has 32 hours of PTO, plenty to use. -Exempt EE is scheduled 8-5 (1 hour break, therefore 8 hours work per day) -Exempt EE has a Docs App from 8-10AM on a monday. Their time-sheet will now have 6, 8, 8, 8, 8 hours for the 5 days of the week. (38 total) -They don't need to use "PTO" hours for that time because they are exempt and still get paid the full day, so what code should be used to fill the 2 missing hours from Monday? Or, Should I make people use PTO for that time? Various Outcomes of the above Scenario: 1. If they use 2 hours PTO - the system will put 2 hours of PTO to a Fringe Pool. 2. If they leave it blank (stay with 38) the system will Pro-rate the salary to the items they selected 3. If they use LWOP - the system would pro-rate the salary to the 38 hours same as #2 above. 4. The 4th option I was thinking is a code that would either "Act" the same as PTO (it would lead the labor expense to a fringe pool) OR a code that would act as Unallowable (Lead that labor expense to an unallowable account, because they are being paid a full day but those two hours were not spent working).
  7. Does your system pro-rate the exempt salary hours to "Leave Without Pay"? If so, what account is LWOP mapped to? (Unallowable or something else?). Also keep in mind this would be for partial day absences, not a full day. So in the 30 hours extreme example they would have worked 5 days, 6 hours each day. What is your opinion for the DOL for an Exempt EE to be putting LWOP on their timesheet? my concern is that it would appear as if we are deducting from their gross salary, although their actual paycheck and paystub would say otherwise. The idea that they are taking hours "With out pay" seems to go against the exempt deductions from gross pay.
  8. Hi All, Just curious as to how some of you code time-sheets when an exempt EE works less than 40? Say for example, Scenario #1: someone works 30 hours in the week, Our system will pro-rate their salary across the 30 hours. That being said, currently I code unallowable labor to an unallowable labor account (having a company party, or advertising labor, maybe trade show) for the hours worked on that (Scenario #2: 30 hours working G&A and 10 hours Unallowable). But that got me thinking about how someone could work only 30 and have ALL of their salary prorated to an indirect cost pool with $0 going to Unallowable, where in the other scenario #2 they would have a 30/10 split to G&A and Unallowable. So that being said, what do you all do when an Exempt EE works less than 40? How does your workplace request you code their time-sheets in the above examples? Hoping to get a good discussion here, Thanks
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