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Disruptive Thinkers

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Marine Corp Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has put out a call for “disruptive thinkers” who live outside the box, love to challenge the status quo, and are often viewed as trouble makers.

Commandant looks to 'disruptive thinkers' to fix Corps' problems

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Not a military person and I never served, so I'm hesitant to voice an opinion on how to foster disruptive innovation from within an hierarchical command-and-control structure. Where I work we are digging into General McChrystal's "Team of Teams" approach to adaptive leadership without knowing if it will work for us. We are also fans of rapid acquisition approaches.

I will say that the (retired) Marines and (retired) Navy folks I work with are all, without exception, a pleasure to work with and very supportive of process improvement ideas. Anything that improves performance is supported.


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My personal experience with the military and government in general is that brainstorming is rarely used effectively.  The part of brainstorming that works best is the process of letting all parties express ideas without judgment.  Too often, judgment is applied too early and creative thought is thwarted.  This "call" would be an attempt to identify those who would be willing to challenge the status quo with creative ideas.

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Guest Vern Edwards

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A description of leadership by exhortation. Exhortation is not leadership.

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