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CPFF ota

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What clauses are in your subcontract? Do you see 52.216-7 ("Allowable Cost and Payment") or equivalent? What billing instructions are in your subcontract?


Assuming your subcontracts are already awarded, what relevant clauses, if any, did you put in them? Did you award cost-type subcontracts? What billing instructions did you give your suppliers?


It's hard to give advice without more specifics.

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17 hours ago, OuterSpace said:

We are a subcontractor with a CPFF contract with our Prime. And to justify payment of our invoice, the Prime is asking us for a Breakdown of Hours, Rates, Materials, G&A, Profit, and Subcontractor Cost. They are also asking us to get our subcontractors to provide the same level of detail. What level of detail is typically required? Is it just our Hourly Rate, # of Hours? What information would we only send directly to the government?

@Outerspace, typically, in my experience with generally included contract terms from the prime for a cost type contract, the first sentence is typical asking from the prime. If you have objected to disclosing this info to the prime, the prime may ask the government to review your invoice, which process would delay payment to you, and my experience tells me the government eventually would decline that. If none of your subs are cost type contracts, in my opinion, the prime request is unreasonable with respect to subcontract information, unless there are some contract terms to the contrary requiring you to do so. None of this information would be sent directly from you to the government, unless as I said before, you have objected to disclosing that information to the prime and you have included such a right in the contract and/or ensured there is no contract terms requiring you to provide this information directly to the prime.


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