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FFP Equipment


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Thursday, 6 Jun 2024 at 02:13 PM, @KJKD posted:

“FFP contract - major equipment contracted. can you take money left over and buy something someone who proposed messed up on (supposed to be qty 5), then move money around to make up for it?”

@JKJD, your initial post makes little sense to me. How can anyone answer your question without speculating about it or the scenario/context? Please relax, think about it and clearly explain the situation and then phrase your question.

For example:

What type of FFP contract is it? Commercial products? Supply contract? GSA Federal Supply Schedule/Multiple Award Schedule, etc.?

Where is the money left over and from what action? Is there less than a quantity of five pieces of equipment?

What is the mistake and who made it?

Can you move money around (from where? To where?) to “make up” for what??

I am assuming that a contract has been  awarded. Is that correct?


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Sometimes, it helps to know the perspective of the questioner when answering a question.  Are you the contracting officer thinking to do an action?  Or an analyst or attorney reviewing an action?  Or a contractor wondering?  Or something else?

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Bob, would you consider invoking rule 17 here, tomorrow morning? It’s been four days since the two respondents asked for clarification and more context to the original post.

The Original Poster logged in to visit this thread almost two days ago on Monday afternoon but hasn’t replied to any questions. 

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