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Comprehensive Job Evaluation Guidelines


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Aside from NCMA's Career Path In Contract Management, I'm wondering if anyone is willing to share resources that describe the skill set, experience, and performance expectations, etc of contract management professionals at various stages within their career.  For example, a comprehensive description of knowledge/abilities to perform at the contract assistant, administrator, manager, deputy/associate director, director, vice president, etc levels.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions or resources you can share

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Leigh, a common problem with efforts like this is it creates a very simplistic, one size fits all situation that really doesn’t work for most.  The NCMA career path is a perfect example.  All we really hear from that is nit picking as to why it’s not good.

What is much better is creating an approach specific to your own organization.  If done properly, it provides a vision for employees to progress, train, and learn.  It should reflect what managers and supervisors ultimately want out of employees.  It should also have input from employees as well.  In essence, it says “if you want to succeed here, these are the skills, experience, and demonstrated performance expected.”

If you are government, a basic starting point is position descriptions ranging from GS-05 to GS-15 or whatever.  That’s a foundation but those likely will need revising at a later point.  Then talk with supervisors, managers, and senior management of what they want to see out of everyone.  Get HR involved too.  This usually isn’t a quick and easy task and usually involves multiple sessions.  Getting clear and distinct goals is essential.  This also may involve lots of non contracting attributes as well, depending upon unique requirements of the office/agency.

From all this prepare a blueprint.  It should allow employees to plan and prepare for advancement.  Employees and their supervisors then prepare and individual development plan.  That should then show employees where they are now, what’s expected of them in the future, and what they need to do next.

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I remembered something a senior contract manager said (HCO) about this  FAI/DoD competency model.  He said many 1102 know how to do this stuff.  But his problem is they don’t practice good solid contracting support.  Rather than doing technical/price tradeoffs when it’s best for program offices, they try and force LPTA.  That’s because it’s easier for them and protest chances are less.  So he was seeking help from a couple other agencies to adopt their practices for career development, performance appraisals, and recognition.

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