The latest episode of The Contracting Officer Podcast was devoted to the 3 Doers, and how the contractor becomes a member of the acquisition team post-award.
The discussion on the pod sparked a question for me as a contracts manager on the industry side: How can industry contracts strengthen the Government/contractor relationship post-award? ? I'm interested in hearing insights and/or anecdotes from the Government's perspective. Any best practices or stories about what makes a good industry
I’ll take the risk and offer one more tale from the Army Corps of Engineers regarding establishing post award relationships with contractors. The USACE established a policy in the early 1990’s to offer (in solicitations) a voluntary “partnering “ process with all of our contractors. I won’t elaborate here. Here is a link to the Partnering Process. I think the policy is still in effect.
Each party generally covers their own costs of participation in Partnering. Depending upon the size and co