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Found 8 results

  1. What are the standard FAR clauses and federal government policies to deal with contractors traveling on federal government-owned vehicles, including both (a) government-owned aircraft and (b) government-owned (motor) vehicles? Travel would be to carry out federal government contracts (meetings, site visits). Does anyone have general experience or advice on this topic, including how the government would approach things like liability, insurance, indemnity, etc.
  2. As someone new to contracting I have some questions regarding the process for completing a modification to a task order. We recently awarded a multi award BPA to 3 awardees and a subsequent task order to the LPTA of the three awardees. Problem is that travel is required during the period of performance and it was overlooked for this Task. All the other items for the contract have line items (CLINS) for individual prices that the client will be able to bill for upon completion. Nothing for travel. I know we need to have a CLIN for the travel in the MOD, but will I also need to request addional money for travel on the 2237?
  3. Hello, Is there a set guideline for approving business-class air travel for a contractor, due to medical necessity? I realize the FTR provides this info. for federal employees and further directs you to agency policy, but what if you can't find that. I'm being told internally that we can't approve it, but haven't seen anything in writing. Contractor can provide medical justification and note as back-up documentation. Thoughts?
  4. I was hoping I could pick someone's brain, as I wanted to confirm as to whether or not there is some federal or accounting principle that would prevent the following or if there are any ramifications that I may not be aware of? Long story short, we are a Subcontractor to a contract in which the Prime is requesting to handle all travel for our employees. From making arrangements, to reimbursing and/or paying the employee. The CLIN associated with travel was awarded on a cost reimbursable basis not-to-exceed $350k. Not sure if it's such a big deal but logically it just doesn't make sense to me. My understanding is that should we ever be audited by DCAA, that the question would be raised of why the Prime elected to handle and issue a purchase order strictly for labor. Thank you in advance for your thoughts and expertise. Rae
  5. I'm wondering how other contracting offices are looking at the matter of conference travel. Many agencies have restrictions on and high approval levels for "conference" travel. What is your office's position? Is a pre-bid conference (FAR 14.207), pre-solicitation or pre-proposal conference (FAR 15.201( c )( 8 )), or industry or small business conference (FAR 15.201( c )( 1 )) a conference under your agency's restrictions on "conference" travel? Or do you see these as mission travel? I am aware of the FTR definition of conference, but that would make essentially EVERY trip a conference.
  6. If a contract is CAS-covered, is it in accordance with CAS 401 for a defense contractor to propose the maximum per diem rate for hotel (which is estimated to be 50-75% more than expected actual cost) when the defense contractor will only bill/voucher the DoD for actual cost? Assume that there is a current proposal for a contract modification over TINA for a cost-reimbursement CLIN. Also, assume that the defense contractor's disclosure statement and travel policies both say lodging cost will be reimbursed at the lower of actual cost or per diem. Is there any materiality threshold applicable to CAS 401 besides "significant cost" and "reasonable"? It looks like proposing lodging at the maximum per diem rate simply inflates the NTE ceiling. If the cost reimbursable CLIN is only for travel, there seems to be a low risk of the defense contractor billing the DoD for "unnecessary" costs to cover its fixed expenses.
  7. We are in a situation on a subcontract where we only have a labor CLIN, but our performer has recently been required to travel locally between a few different Government buildings to do his job. We have been reimbursing this performer via the unallowable line on the contract. Is this permissible? Too late, I know, but I did not know this was going on. The bigger question is what regulation provides guidance applicable to this situation? If we provide "free" travel to the Government for a performer to do his duties, is that wrong, even though we are charging the contract via unallowable line? What is the best remedy? Anything other than asking for a travel CLIN? On another note, we have a contract with the state of Maryland that also might require the local travel in the future, and go figure, we do not have a travel CLIN. We are also a subcontractor on this work. Does anyone know what regulation governs this? I know this is a federal forum, so I understand if you do not want to discuss this one. Thanks in advance for any insight. Please provide FAR and/or DFARS or other law references with your answers.
  8. Hi Everyone- My question relates to rental car expenses where the agreement was established within the PoP but some costs incurred beyond the PoP expiration as well. I have 9 guys on the road 365 days out of the year. Our last task order expired 8/27/13 and the current follow on task order 8/26/14. Their rental cars are billed monthly resulting in a few outstanding bills for cost incurred 8/16-9/16. Internally, I can split the costs between the expired task order and the follow task order which was my first instinct. Could I charge the entire invoice to the expired task since the rental car agreement was in place within the PoP; or should I charge the 8/16 - 8/27 cost incurred to the expired task order and the 8/28 - 9/16 to the follow on task order? Thank you!
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