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Found 2 results

  1. Responding jointly to Federal RFI transparency experience? ============================================== Thanks for reviewing my threads. We started working with a company, who has prior experience with Federal agency. They came to us for a joint RFI response to count our experience, where we added our experience/capability with the agency/industry (application development) in the RFI. We executed a NDA for this joint response. They said initially, they would be sending consolidated RFI response for a review , after making the consolidate RFI response (ours +theirs). After we sent all our responses/details , they responded saying "As a policy we do not share the final submission to the customer" We are scratching our head about these changes. We executed NDA on good faith expecting transparency. Their response/action after completing our piece creating a discomfort. Is this a normal practice ? What is the level of transparency, we can expect in this situation ? We worked with other companies without any NDAs that showed transparency. Thanks for your guidance.
  2. I am a DoD KO serving a major system customer. They've been living in large sole source world since before the dawn of time. After several years of prodding, they have finally started wading into the land of competitive source selections. Well, long story short, we issued an RFI for a somewhat embryonic requirement, it is about to close, and it looks like we will be getting anywhere from 6-12 responses. Then tacked onto the end of a multi-topic customer e-mail, was something to effect of: once the RFI closes we will then "evaluate the responses", and then "perform a down-select to the best 3," and then "invite those 3 winners in to do demo's." At this point I just sat there staring at the screen... Has anyone ever heard of such a thing?
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