Can anyone provide me examples of how your agency has implemented FITARA law and what it applies to? Any information is appreciated.
I have 16+ years of Contra ting experience, mostly with DoD.
I now work for a civilian agency that is just beginning to implement FITARA. I support research scientists who regularly by scientific equipment that requires the installation of software or comes with hardware. Under our current application of FITARA anything associated with IT must go through the IT buying process. For example, any microscope hydraulic lift etc. have to go through the IT contracting group and receive approvals at Department levels. This process is failing us. The good news is that the CIO is listening to me and are considering updating their processes.
I am arguing that the IT in Scientific equipment is incidental to the intent of the bye and strict FITARA rule should not apply. I have convinced them to other organizations are doing it this way, now they’re asking me for examples.