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Found 3 results

  1. I'm an enlisted Air Force contract specialist (6C051), about to finish my APDP Lvl 1, then I will move on to my CCAF. I'm hoping to separate from the military in the next 3 years and reenter federal contracting as a civilian (1102). I have some questions about hireability in context of finishing my education. Does anyone have experience with how easy or difficult it is to transfer CCAF and DAU credits to a university? Can I really expect this to cover 50% of my Bachelor's? I currently have my hopes on completing Strayer University's "bachelor's of business administration with a concentration in acquisition and contract management." I prefer a concentration, and Strayer accepts both CCAF and DAU transfers. However, they are an online for-profit school (although accredited), which are sometimes automatically considered as "degree mills." I could use my TA for an online state university instead, which are more universally respected, but from my research, there are fewer that offer acquisition concentrations, they're less likely to accept these transfer credits, and they are also just more expensive. Would a for-profit college degree still make me competitive in Government hiring? I'm hoping to get hired at a specific Navy base once I'm civilian. Are there any pre-requisites or certification differences I need to prepare for in order cover my transition from Air Force contracting to Navy contracting?
  2. I'm drafting some thoughts/recommendations on improving training for the contracting workforce and I'd like to solicit input from those of you who frequent these forums. Specifically, I'd like to know what each of you think are the "breakdown activities" for our workforce. "Breakdown activities" are defined as those "tasks that differentiate high and low performers." The term comes from an article in Harvard Business Review that I read last month - for those of you interested in the complete article, you can read it here: To Better Train Workers, Figure Out Where They Struggle. Thanks in advance for any input!
  3. This may be a question for my specific organization, but I'll see if any of you will be able to answer. I'm converting to a full-time Contract Specialist position in a couple of weeks. I started as a co-op in mid-June of 2011. Here are my questions: 1) Am I allowed to take DAWIA training immediately (i.e.: CON-090)? I thought I had recieved information stating that you must be an 1102 for at least 1 year before starting the DAWIA training. 2) Would there be value in taking CON-090 as soon as I can (to help with learning the position)? 3) (and this is the main question...) Are you required to sign a contract that says if you don't complete the program, you will be required to reimburse the government for tuition? In other words, if I sign on as a full-time 1102 and then decide mid-way through the 3-year training program that I wanted to switch to a non-1102 position, would I be required to pay tuition back? Thanks for your help!
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