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Found 7 results

  1. What part of your acquisition workflow keeps you up at night because it's just that painful and miserable? If you had a magic wand, how and where would you use it in your workflow? For example, what are the bottlenecks, inefficiencies or complete blackholes of time and effort? Susan
  2. We would like to know whether we can provide cost extension to a FAR 8 GSA Schedule contract. If yes, please provide FAR guidance.
  3. Hello my Contract and Subcontract friends! It seems a pretty important update/change to the FAR escaped my notice. I'm curious how you all stay updated on the many evolving rules/regulations/best practices/etc. Any advice is appreciated!
  4. My supervisory CO has asked me to research how to do a "blind competition," which I understand is a process whereby companies interested in submitting offers do not use their own identity in their technical (and cost?) proposals. The purpose of the blind competition is to establish a true(r) objectivity on behalf of the technical evaluation committee. I have searched the wifcon pages and done a general online search, but have not found any guidance on how to set up a blind competition. I am looking for best ways to set-up/structure a blind competition, e.g. does it work better if offerors are instructed to write their technical proposals in such a way so as to not identify themselves or we ask them to register and then assign a number or other name to them? What are other lessons learned, best practices, guidance, pitfalls, etc.? Thanks in advance for any inputs!
  5. I am pretty involved with several Alpha Contracting efforts here at Department of Army. Anyone else out there ever involved in Alpha Contracting? Thoughts? Observations? Good experiences? Bad Experiences? Would love to have anyone's 2 cents on the topic.
  6. http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/FITARA.pdf I was wondering if some of the senior members of this discussion board had any impressions of the proposed legislation. It is a bit different from the initial draft (Summary of changes found here: http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/FITARA_RevisionsSummary.pdf). One piece of the proposed legislation is the introduction of the "fixed-priced technical competition" that I thought would be of interest to some (Sec. 503). I know that some find IT acquisitions dry as dirt, but IT procurement is something that every agency procurement division manages in some form or fashion, and the implications of this legislation fall beyond IT procurement. Just interested in your impressions. Jon Johnson
  7. My company purchased another large company; both companies held several IDIQ's issued by the same agencies for the same work. Through the novation process, the Contracting Officers allowed retention of one of the two IDIQ's and ceased issuing task orders under the other. I understand that the CO has full authority to accept or reject a novation. The question though is whether one company can hold two IDIQ awards (while all other awardees have one contract). I'm asking the question because of internal strife and resistance to the CO's decision on one contract. I'm hoping to settle the issues clearly. I have the anti-assignment statutes, but wondered if anyone knew of any other regulation, prohibiting the award of multiple contracts to different divisions of the same company, perhaps based on the competition regulations. So hypothetically, could a company with multiple divisions win multiple awards under the same umbrella contract? I hope that's clear. Thanks for your assistance.
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