Good Afternoon,
Really appreciate any help I can get on this issue.
As I understand it, when you award a Multiple Award IDIQ Contract (MAC) the "rule of two" still applies to all future competitive awards that happen under that MAC contract. Additionally the "rule of two" as it pertains to small business applies inside and outside of the MAC aranagement. For example, if my customer proposes to compete a requirement under their newly formed MAC contract we first have to determine whether a small buseinss can do the requirement. Additionally we have to consider offerors outside of the MAC contract. Is this correct? I vaguly remember a GAO case about this but I could not find it in my searches.
Second Question:
Assuming a MAC is awarded, could you limit competition after initial task orders are award to specific regions, essentially establishing a sole source environment within the MAC contract for that particular region. Can you do this?
I would have originally said no but I reviewed the FAR in regards to establishing the ordering process under the MAC contract and it appears to be very open to interpretation. Does anyone see any concern if we establish at the time of the original solicitation within the intended MAC ordering process that once a Task Order is awarded for that region that region is in a sole source environment for any future work as long as it is for that specific region?
Thank you for your help.