I have a CPFF contract awarded competitively. If I submitted a cost growth proposal for over $700K (scope changes/rates/overruns). its my understanding that we would need to provide Certified Cost & Pricing Data. The proposal was submitted a while a go and when the government was ready to discuss, I updated the pricing with current G&A rates due to my belief that the change falls under TINA. At this point some of the data was actuals. Based on the new rates, its significantly higher than the original cost growth proposal. Government wants us to agree to cap the rates for the out years. My question is three-fold (1) is that ok even if our rates change during those years? (2) I thought there was some type of provision that pretty much forbids the government from forcing an agreement that could significant and detrimental impact to the health of a company, did I imagine this provision? (3) Can the government make the decision to make the award based on the previous proposal?