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Found 5 results

  1. If I requirement was previously competed and no further competition is required to award follow-on work, is this new follow-on work now considered non-competitive? Or is it an extension of the prior competition? Example A: FAR-based follow-on production contract derived from a successful (and competed) prototype OTA. Example B: FAR-based Phase III SBIR for production following a prior competitive Phase I SBIR. Identify the actions as either competitive or non-competitive will have a major impact on approval levels.
  2. How hard is it to get into government contracting ? Let's say I somehow manage to get into an internship and then get a GS-05 position how hard is it to move up as a non-vet if I'm willing to relocate anywhere? How competitive are the jobs?
  3. Here is a scenario. A contracting activity releases a competitive solicitation for a requirements / firm-fixed price, materials reimbursement type contract. The solicitation also includes a performance incentive in which the winning contractor has the ability to receive a quarterly fixed amount if the contractor meets specific performance goals in that quarter. The contractors proceed to bid on the effort with either no or negative profit/fee. This is based on the intent that they will pass the performance goals and receive the performance incentive. In the follow-on competitive solicitation, the contracting activity decides to remove the performance incentive. Is there a process in place, either policy or regulation, or some instance in which a minimum profit/fee was included in the solicitation to prevent a contractor from bidding either no or negative profit/fee? Is it possible to establish a minimum or is it the contractor's business decision to bid that particular way?
  4. Help! I am reaching out to the community for some synergy----- ideas on how I may accomplish this acquisition: Scenario: Numerous types and quantities of sample analyses required for space mission, over several years. Definite need, just don’t know when and how much at this time, only estimates and descriptions of the types of analysis to be performed. Client does not want to depend solely on evaluation of proposal and past performance info for selection of this contract award. Client ‘visualizes’ sending samples to be analyzed/ turned into data to vendors they found in their market research in order to see the contractors’ work product. This will all be based on very thoughtful criteria; researchers and scientists, here. Naturally, client is risk adverse and willing to pay for the effort to perform actual samples (via small contract(s)?) during this process and prior to award of large contract. Q: How do I make this large, multi-year contract a competitive procurement? The two step proposal process is the one that I am familiar with, but it does not seem to fit. There is actual work effort and cost will be incurred by contractors running these tests. And, if we find the one firm that suits the client for their long-term requirement, the larger contract won’t be competitive. Your thoughts on how I can make this happen, please?
  5. My agency has determined that it's necessary to synopsize and compete BPAs established under FAR Part 13. Nowhere in FAR 13.303-2 does it state that you're required to synopsize, and--even though FAR 13.303-3 allows for the establishment of one BPA--FAR 13.303-5© states that the existence of a single BPA does not justify purchasing from one source (and where only one BPA exists, you must seek competition outside of the BPAs or establish new BPAs). I was brought up in contracting with the understanding that BPAs are just that--agreements. They are not contracts, and they are not binding. The way I understood BPAs under FAR 13 is that you can award them, non-competitively, to any contractor. The purpose it to set up "charge accounts," which include agency-specific clauses, invoice instructions, etc., but the competition is to be done at the order level. If you have a sufficient number of BPAs, you can compete among them. If you do not, you can solicit from the BPA holders as well as additional open market sources. So, my question is this: If an agency synopsizes for the establishment of a multiple award BPA, do I have to synopsize orders that exceed $25k? Does the fact that the requirement was synopsized at the BPA level negate the need for synopsis at the order level? ...and where did the idea of "rotating" sources come from??? My agency also states that there's no need for competition among BPA holders; instead, they contend that only rotating sources is necessary, and they are not limiting the rotation to orders under the micro purchase threshold.
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