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Found 3 results

  1. FAR 8.405-4 says we may request a price reduction at any time before placing an order. I'm wondering about the opinion of WIFCON readers on requesting a price reduction to a specific price. For example, imagine I receive three quotes at $101,000, $100,000, and $99,000, all three with a perfect and identical level of effort and skill mix and all three at reasonable prices, in comparison to my government estimate and available budget of $98,000. I already know I may ask all quoters for non-specific price reductions and cross my fingers and hope that at least one comes back at $98,000 or lower. But here is the question: May I specifically ask the contractors for a price reduction to an amount not exceeding a specific dollar figure, here $98,000? I am aware of a 2009 GAO Bid Protest decision B-400777, OPTIMUS Corp., wherein the GAO clearly tells us that seeking a price reduction under FAR 8.405-4 from all quoters does not constitute discussions pursuant to FAR Subpart 15.3, and also a 2015 decision B-410636, Sapient Government Services, wherein the GAO tells us the same thing. Your thoughts?
  2. I am in the process of drafting a solicitation for services, and I intend to solicit under FAR 8.4. The estimated value is $8 million over 5 years. My agency handbook requires the use of "strengths, weaknesses, significant weaknesses, and deficiencies" in the evaluation plan. I have always been taught that if it looks and smells like FAR 15, you will be held to FAR 15 standards, so I am hesitant to follow the handbook. It also states that the KO must make a statement regarding the relative importance of price to non-price factors (again, a requirement of FAR 15). Lastly, it states that the KO must state the relative importance of the evaluation factors. I realize that this is an $8 million requirement, and I do intent to award best value through trade offs. Am I wrong in my belief that acquisitions under FAR 8.4 are not supposed to require formal source selection? Am I trying to over simplify the process?
  3. I am in the process of drafting a solicitation for services, and I intend to solicit under FAR 8.4. The estimated value is $8 million over 5 years. My agency handbook requires the use of "strengths, weaknesses, significant weaknesses, and deficiencies" in the evaluation plan. I have always been taught that if it looks and smells like FAR 15, you will be held to FAR 15 standards, so I am hesitant to follow the handbook. It also states that the KO must make a statement regarding the relative importance of price to non-price factors (again, a requirement of FAR 15). Lastly, it states that the KO must state the relative importance of the evaluation factors. I realize that this is an $8 million requirement, and I do intent to award best value through trade offs. Am I wrong in my belief that acquisitions under FAR 8.4 are not supposed to require formal source selection? Am I trying to over simplify the process?
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