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  1. C Culham: Thank you for getting back to me. The LLC that I would be quoting contracts from is a small business as it is just me, one individual. Moreover, I would qualify for the socio-economic and minority qualifications. Furthermore, I would only be bidding on contracts that are below the SAT. Regarding your last paragraph, I was referencing EVERY small business in America. It is of course an estimate, but taking every single small business in America that creates products that the government would buy into account, they simply don't know that they are able to fulfill contacts for the government. I am trying to connect the two. I am attempting to connect the government and small businesses together for contracts that are below the threshold that would allow me to not complete ANY of the work (aka not be restricted by the subcontracting limitation clause). Please C Culham or anyone that is knowledgable, get back to me!
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