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  1. Works for me! I wasn't sure if there was explicit authority somewhere (or, worse, something that restricted its use). Thanks Don!
  2. In the recent SH Synergy decision, the court suggests a potential evaluation criteria might be "to award a small point premium to protégé projects for each evaluation criterion satisfied." I know that would be fine under Part 8; FAR 8.405-5 provides that "Ordering activities may consider socio-economic status when identifying contractor(s) for consideration or competition for award of an order or BPA." And yet, I couldn't seem to readily find any authority for explicitly giving preference to a socio-economic status in a Part 12 or 16 solicitation. Am I missing something? Where does the authority for including point premiums on a socioeconomic status in an IDIQ/GWAC come from? Thanks in advance!
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