Hi all. Long time lurker, first time poster.
I am currently AD USAF enlisted. My time in the Air Force is quickly coming to a close and the reality of my future is weighing heavy on my mind. I have been told from day 1 in contracting that the job prospects on the outside are plentiful for "people like us" but first hand examples tend to be harder to come by.
Do any of you have experience or know people that have succesfully made the transition to civil service or private sector contract admin?
From the eyes of a hiring authority is my experience enough to get into a GS-12 position?
6 years experience operational contracting.
1 year as warranted CO with limit of 150k. No termination authority.
3 years as warranted CO with $2m limit. No termination authority. (current warrant and used regularly)
Experience in Commodities, Formal Services, and Construction.
APDP Level 1 (they restrict attendance to lvl 2 in residence courses to members who re-enlist)
CPCM (will have done before I leave the service)
Thanks for your replies.