I believe the "Topic Title" is self-explanatory; therefore, I will kick-off the discussion.
Lessons Learned
- Time & Material Contracts are out of favor (for AF anyways), so if you are going to use this contract type you better have a very strong
position detailing why you must use T&M.
- Communication is key , assume nothing
- When in question, document
- Prepare and present a pristine file, it is a reflection of your competence
- Don?t be afraid to ask questions
Great Advice/Best Practices
- Learn to think two levels above your position
o How will leadership use and view your inputs
- Embrace diversity
o Be receptive to other?s ideas
o Understand that every individual has the potential to provide value
- Perform the mirror check
o We need to reflect on the decisions and activities we perform and how it helps ensure we provide the proper capabilities to the Warfighter
- Operate with integrity
- Learn from other?s mistakes and, even more important, their successes
- Work on your weaknesses
o If something is difficult for you, put yourself in situations where you can get real experience and improve
- At times, regardless of grade or rank, you may need to take a stand if it is the right thing to do
o Be respectful and tactful in the delivery of your position
- If you?ve been given a perceived ?overwhelming? task, don?t be afraid to ask for assistance and feedback from your leaders and fellow co-workers
- Say, ?thank you? to those that provide their assistance
- Seek out a mentor
- Be passionate
- Read