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Boof, this struck a chord (read nerve) with me: After 10 years of enhancements it can actually save a lot of time if you choose to use it correctly and smartly. Too bad at least half the staff choose to complain about it versus learn to make it work for them.
Our contract "writing" system too is linked to finance and it has many features - cradle to grave - we don't use for a host of reasons, primarily because few can decipher the awkward instructions.
Contract offices express no interest let alone having anybody with gravitas insist on using it to its full potential. I imagine that "management" assumes it is review of the solicitations on FBO would reveal different...if they knew what they were looking at.
Just a handful, if that, of 1102's use some of the features and not very well and IMO it is an "in for a penny in for pound" system to get its full benefit. In the meantime much redundant effort goes on as if a system that could cut down on it appreciably did not exist...but it does.