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Subtitle F—Industrial Base Matters

P. L. 114-

House Conference Report. 114-270

SEC. 876. Inclusion in annual technology and industrial capability assessments of a determination about defense acquisition program requirements.

Section 2505(b) of title 10, United States Code, is amended—

(1) by redesignating paragraphs (3) and (4) as paragraphs (5) and (6), respectively; and

(2) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following new paragraphs (3) and (4):

“(3) determine the extent to which the requirements associated with defense acquisition programs can be satisfied by the present and projected performance capacities of industries supporting the sectors or capabilities in the assessment, evaluate the reasons for any variance from applicable preceding determinations, and identify the extent to which those industries are comprised of only one potential source in the national technology and industrial base or have multiple potential sources;

“(4) determine the extent to which the requirements associated with defense acquisition programs can be satisfied by the present and projected performance capacities of industries that do not actively support Department of Defense acquisition programs and identify the barriers to the participation of those industries;”.

Inclusion in annual technology and industrial capability assessments of a determination about defense acquisition program requirements (sec. 876)

The House bill contained a provision (sec. 322) that would amend section 2505 of title 10, United States Code, to include in the required periodic assessment of defense capability an additional requirement for the Secretary of Defense to also determine the extent to which the requirements associated with defense acquisition programs can be satisfied by the present and projected performance capacities of industries supporting the sectors or capabilities in the assessment and evaluate the reasons for any variance from applicable preceding determinations.

The Senate amendment contained no similar provision.

The Senate recedes with an amendment that would require the review of the number of industry sources and whether requirements could be satisfied by industries not actively supporting the Department of Defense.

House Report 114-201 to accompany H. R. 1735 as it was reported out of the House Armed Services Committee.

Section 322--Inclusion in Annual Technology and Industrial Capability Assessments of a Determination about Defense Acquisition Program Requirements

This section would amend section 2505 of title 10, United States Code, to include in the required periodic assessment of defense capability an additional requirement for the Secretary of Defense to also determine the extent to which the requirements associated with defense acquisition programs can be satisfied by the present and projected performance capacities of industries supporting the sectors or capabilities in the assessment and evaluate the reasons for any variance from applicable preceding determinations.