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DCMA not accepting Proposals marked 'NOFORN'???

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Hoping that I've just tripped upon a newbie DCMA employee, but, a recent cost proposal was kicked back by the DCMA Price Analyst because it had markings such as "NOFORN" and "Controlled Unclassified".

DCMA PA stated, "our systems are not secure for acceptance of proposals with these markings."

None of my circle have heard of this policy change.

Before I suggest that this price analyst bring in his supervisor, I wanted to reach out in case there were facts behind the statement, even if it begs questions regarding ignoring the DD254 and/or Program Protection Guide.

Has anyone heard of DCMA NOT accepting proposals marked NOFORN and/or CUI?



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I haven't heard of the practice.

However, the DCMA employee might be correct.

Are you applying the markings because you always have in the past? Or can you actually find a citation that justifies (or even mandates) the markings? If you can provide a citation justifying (or mandating) the markings, then you should ask the DCMA employee how you should submit the proposal wih the proper markings.

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Could this have to do with Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), under Executive Order 13556? 32 CFR 2002, providing guidance for implementing the CUI program, is supposed to be published next year but the EO was issued in November 2010 with a multi-year phase-in period. You can access more information at: www.archives.gov/cui/. Hope this helps.

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