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I requested rate verification from DCMA for a significant subcontractor. DCMA did not have any direct labor information on file for the subcontractor so DCMA decided to call the subcontractor to have him explain the calculation of his direct labor rates. The subcontractor offered to provide payroll information to validate the calculation of his proposed direct labor rates. Maybe I am over analyzing but is this the typical process for DCMA to follow if historical rate information is not available? Since this is a competitive procurement and if this is not the typical process, could this be cause for a protest by the prime?

If I decide to tell DCMA not to proceed with receiving the payroll information would comparing the proposed rates to established industry rates be enough to support a cost realism analysis?

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I have some questions on your post as well. But if you won't take the time to respond to Vern's question, I'm not going to bother.


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