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  1. For minor military construction using O&M funds the statutory limiation for new work is $750,000. Public Works has worked with legal to get a determination that a specific project can be split into two because the estimate is over that. The projects are to construct office space and to construct class rooms. The construction is being completed by repurposing an excisting facility and the facility classification code is changing as a result. The work is all being performed in the same building but like I said legal is working on a determation that these are seperate projects. My concern is if the wrong determination is made this may be an ADA violation and as a Contracting Officer I could be held liable. This is muddy water that I haven't delete with before. As a KO I could refuse to sign but I am unsure on the regulation and more importantly am unsure if I am the correct person to be interpreting it and making the final determination as this is a finacial reg. Any helpfull pointers would be appreciated. Thanks
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