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Blog Comments posted by Whynot

  1. I presume that we can make our own assumptions with regards to orders vs units (i.e. 1 order for a 100 units or 100 orders for 1 unit each) and for the number of customers placing orders (i.e. 1 customer with 100 orders or 100 customers with 1 order each) and that on-time probability applies to the entire order and not to an individual unit within an order; and that what is best for the government means what is best for any one individual customer’s cost or budget.

  2. I might be mistaken, but it looks like another one-person debate show blog between original poster and commenter(s)? It is very skillfully done and a pleasure to read. It is a great learning technique. However, forensic linguistics could probably track the written text back to its author through the identification of quirks in our original poster/commenter’s style. But why unmask the Pseudonym(s)?

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